Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Computer problems have caused a wee bit of an obstacle lately, but hopefully all will be fixed soon. So far this is what I have been up to on the out of office hour projects......

The clay dog, based on my wee Shiffley, blew up in the kiln, I haven't seen it as yet. The tutor, said that she would fix it....

I left the glazing techniques that I wanted to use at the art centre and the tutor was going to apply them while I was in New York.....

Will be able to collect finished clay dog in the New Year, fingers crossed it doesn't look that bad....

Been having a bit more of a play with watercolour.... Think I might try a little something with colour....ouh!

And lastly a bit of mixed media play...

Happy Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

A Little Pen and ink...

Went for a walk with the dog this morning and pulled some dried weeds, thought that they might be good to draw..... Here are my efforts...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Mixed media....

I fancied doing a bit of mixed media artwork today. Got out my paints and then collages a bit and then a little pen and ink, actually quite satisfying to do something completely different....


Monday, 14 December 2015

Playtime is good!

Last week I bought myself a pen and ink set, not overly familiar with that medium, but I really like trying new ways with art, so I fiddled about and created a few little pieces.....


Friday, 11 December 2015

Is a wall just a wall???

Have a look at these two wonderful walls in Brooklyn and ask yourself, are these just walls???

Oh Deer!

I like to buy a Christmas decoration every year, and since I was in New York and I had to visit my favourite store, Anthropologie, I bought this cute and not so little snow globe.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

A Little bit of therapy does you good!

I love flea/vintage markets, can't resist them if I know there is one about. Went to one in New York on Sunday morning and found these little gems that have returned home with me.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Sold out!

Met up with the Art Director from Camelot Fabrics last week at BluePrint Show and was told that the flamingo print, which is part of the Jungly range that I designed and licensed is sold out, yeh!!!

And this is me......

At BluePrint last week, the lovely and super talented Jennifer Orkin, aka August Wren was painting anyone who wanted their portrait done. Jennifer and I chatted while she painted away, such a wonderful experience and I am going to frame this and put it up near my computer.


Monday, 23 November 2015

A little flyer

Me on, last week!! Thank you BowieStyle!!


Last assignment

Week 5 of MATS course is now complete, and I feel a little sad. Really worthwhile stepping outside your comfort zone and doing something out of the ordinary.


Sunday, 15 November 2015

Paper and Paint

This week's assignment was the most terrifying and yet so exciting to create. I haven't done that many collages in my life, you could count them on one hand. When the assignment came out I was slightly freaking out as my normal art is clean, controlled and colourful. There were colour restrictions in the brief, but I found with a little scavenging of my paper collection and some playing with paints I was able to overcome the limitations.
My first attempt was a bit too controlled, I hadn't relaxed yet. By the second attempt I was so in the zone I didn't want to stop, thoroughly enjoyed this exercise.
The photograph is ok, but it really doesn't show up the flourescent pink that I used.....
One more week and then the course is over, boo hoo!

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Yee Haw! Let's go for a monkey ride!

Loved this weeks assignment on MATS. I am not saying that it was easy, but it was so enjoyable, not limited by colours, or product. I started of with a happy bright palette on Thursday but by Friday I had gone to darks. I lived with it for a day and decided that the dark colours are more exciting so I've uploaded and can rest now.


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

And it's still a bit ruff!

Last night was figurative ceramics, yeh! So much fun working with clay. It's coming on, but I still have a way to go, not happy with face yet.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

A little bit of what you fancy....

I love graffiti art, and here are 2 that I pass often but have never taken photos of. They really are quite beautiful!

Saturday, 31 October 2015


This week's assignment in MATS-land was a toughie. Comfort zone had disappeared and I was cast into the unknown in more ways than one. I am finding out so much about myself as an artist it is terrifying and exciting, can't wait until next week!!! Bring it on!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Panda-monium in Claire's Accessories

Several months ago I was commissioned to design pandas for Claire's Accessories, never quite sure of what the artwork is going to be used for, but I spied the little pandas on Claire's website.....

And the original below..... 



Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Can you guess what it is yet?

Figurative Ceramics class last night, something is starting to take shape. It's quite exciting working in 3 D, really enjoying the whole experience.....

Started off the evening with this shape above....

Added a little something...

And then a little something more.....

And this is where I got to when it was time to go, can't wait for next week!

Monday, 26 October 2015

And I went a sailing...

Went to Portstewart at the weekend to give our dog a good ole' run, on the way home I saw this collection of colourful fishing boats.....

Sunday, 25 October 2015

And A little bit more

My hubby is out of town, so my Saturday night consisted of an ice cream, a pair of scissors, a glue stick and loads of sheets of patterns that I created......Fancied a bit of collage and pen. I haven't done much collaging, but I really liked the experience of "drawing with scissors", it's a very basic process, but the results are really satisfying. Finished the design today with pen.....


Saturday, 24 October 2015

Week One completed!

I have just completed my assignment for week one of MATS Course. It was so nice to relax and sketch for the first part of the assignment and then do what I would normally do, which is create a repeat pattern. I know that I already "make art that sells", but sometimes you can get bogged down with emails and the same old routine that you forget to take time for yourself.
This course is about taking time for me to remember how to enjoy creating artwork, don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but often you can forget why you do what you do or to enjoy the whole process.
So here is my finished piece of work.....


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

It's all good!

So there comes a point in every artist's life were you need a little extra something to get you motivated. A few months ago I was feeling low about my art and being on a treadmill, ( it happens to the best of us), so I signed up for Make Art That Sells. To be honest, I had forgotten all about it, and in the interim signed up for Figurative Ceramics with the so very creative and super talented Julie Scott, 
(which by the way I am so enjoying, but more of that when I have something recognizable to blog about, as I am still at the blob of clay stage!).

 Anyway, the MATS course started yesterday, I had to work, so today was my first day and so far I have enjoyed it!!! Looking forward to tomorrow as we get our first proper assignment, YEH!!!

Designer for Hire!!!

Been busy learning how to create a new website, once that was up and running, I sorted myself out with new advertising..... Check this out.....
Me on Designers for Hire....

My new website is

Thursday, 9 July 2015

New Fabrics Designs just spotted!!

I was checking into Camelot Fabrics to see if any of the new designs I created went into production and low and behold I see a whole range......
Here is what I like, but if you want to see more go to