Monday, 23 November 2015

A little flyer

Me on, last week!! Thank you BowieStyle!!


Last assignment

Week 5 of MATS course is now complete, and I feel a little sad. Really worthwhile stepping outside your comfort zone and doing something out of the ordinary.


Sunday, 15 November 2015

Paper and Paint

This week's assignment was the most terrifying and yet so exciting to create. I haven't done that many collages in my life, you could count them on one hand. When the assignment came out I was slightly freaking out as my normal art is clean, controlled and colourful. There were colour restrictions in the brief, but I found with a little scavenging of my paper collection and some playing with paints I was able to overcome the limitations.
My first attempt was a bit too controlled, I hadn't relaxed yet. By the second attempt I was so in the zone I didn't want to stop, thoroughly enjoyed this exercise.
The photograph is ok, but it really doesn't show up the flourescent pink that I used.....
One more week and then the course is over, boo hoo!

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Yee Haw! Let's go for a monkey ride!

Loved this weeks assignment on MATS. I am not saying that it was easy, but it was so enjoyable, not limited by colours, or product. I started of with a happy bright palette on Thursday but by Friday I had gone to darks. I lived with it for a day and decided that the dark colours are more exciting so I've uploaded and can rest now.


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

And it's still a bit ruff!

Last night was figurative ceramics, yeh! So much fun working with clay. It's coming on, but I still have a way to go, not happy with face yet.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

A little bit of what you fancy....

I love graffiti art, and here are 2 that I pass often but have never taken photos of. They really are quite beautiful!